Progressively Overloading Your Habits
“ Just write me a workout program” is akin to “just tell me what to eat and I’ll follow your meal plan”. Both aren’t going to truly help...

"I remember the day I was driving in my car with tears in my eyes wondering how I would keep up with my two young active boys. I was...
Love Yourself
Love your body, regardless where you currently stand as far as aesthetics and physique goals. Loving your body doesn’t mean you’re...

How to Structure your Diet to Promote Adherence
I’ve been on a fat loss diet for the past 4 weeks. We all know desserts are forbidden when our goal is fat loss because the calories from...
If You Have Fat Loss or Muscle Goals....
Listen, There is no deadline. Stop putting your body on a deadline. 'I need to lose x amount of weight in x amount of time'. 'I only lost...

Strong with Sivan Approach
I’m all for self love and loving your body. However, I’m not for body acceptance. If we were to just accept our bodies as they are,...
Automating Your Nutrition Is Key
We all have a limited amount of will power. The secret to making a diet work for you is to reduce the amount of decisions you make on a...

Thoughts On Dieting Success
Some thoughts on fat loss/ dieting success: 1. Diets don’t work. Well, they might ‘work’ for a short period of time, but what happens...

The main reason everyone should lift
This is extremely paramount to understand: Any movement is better than no movement . People that perform any type of cardiovascular...

What I Learned During 13 Years of Strength Training
I wrote an updated version to my article from 3 years ago--> "Lessons I've learned in over 10 years of strength training" Click here...