Understanding your metabolism
How do I know how many calories I burn per day? How can I speed up my metabolism? These are some of the questions my clients have asked...
Why I promote a good old strength training workout, not a HIIT
Lifting weights and properly resting between sets > endless rounds of circuit training/cardio bursts. Many times I find myself having to...
What Strength training is all about
Strength training isn’t only about building a sexy, fit physique. It's about building a strong character. It’s about feeling strong and...
On physique transformation and realistic expectations
Social media, specifically Instagram, is full of before and after pics. You see these insane transformations of women/men who went from...
How to keep going when you really don't feel like it ...
1. Be process oriented, not event oriented. Celebrate every habit/ behavior you take upon yourself to become better. If you started...
For longevity and health, do this...
The older I get, the more I realize that for most people to be healthy and functional, they need to do two things, consistently: 1. Walk...

The Development of Strong with Sivan Approach
My strength training observations and feelings along the past 14 years in a chronological order: I don't want to look like a man, but...
Progressively Overloading Your Habits
“ Just write me a workout program” is akin to “just tell me what to eat and I’ll follow your meal plan”. Both aren’t going to truly help...
If You Have Fat Loss or Muscle Goals....
Listen, There is no deadline. Stop putting your body on a deadline. 'I need to lose x amount of weight in x amount of time'. 'I only lost...

Strong with Sivan Approach
I’m all for self love and loving your body. However, I’m not for body acceptance. If we were to just accept our bodies as they are,...